A fitness tracker is a type of wearable computer that monitors a variety of fitness-related metrics. It can monitor things such as the distance walked, calories consumed, and heartbeat.
Activity trackers grew out of written logs
The advent of activity trackers prompted some interesting studies to the question, which was the best way to measure activity? The answer to that question may not be as simple as you think. For instance, if you are a fitness buff, how much of your activity can be measured by a wristwatch or a smartphone? And how accurate are such measures? Luckily, technology has come a long way in the last few decades. Now we have devices that measure sleep patterns, calorie consumption and even elevation.
To get to the bottom of the question, researchers looked to the scientific community for answers. A literature search found that there was no single gold standard that covered all aspects of the aforementioned nebulous sphere. However, researchers did find that a combination of a few factors made for a more robust set of results. These include the ubiquity of smartphones and the sheer size of the market. This study was not designed to be a definitive guide to the aforementioned gizmo, but rather to provide a few generalizable guidelines.
Perceived risk is a major barrier to information sharing
One of the biggest barriers to information sharing on fitness trackers is perceived risk. People prefer to avoid risk. Moreover, individuals are concerned about their privacy. This means that the misuse of health information is a serious concern for most people. However, research suggests that there are benefits to the sharing of fitness data.
Fitness tracking apps are becoming more popular in the United States. They generate huge amounts of data and can be misused. In order to better assess the health of individuals, doctors can use the data. The data can also be used for scientific research.
Several studies have investigated the role of perceived risk in information sharing. Researchers have concluded that the lack of benefits is one of the main barriers to sharing. It is therefore important to understand how people make these decisions. Ultimately, the integration of fitness apps into health care systems should be considered.
A study was conducted to investigate the influence of granular privacy control on sharing fitness information. Granular privacy control is a method that allows users to select who they share their information with and what they share.
Social features of fitness trackers
Fitness trackers can be more than an exercise device. They can also help you track your steps, sleep, and even measure your height. Some wearables allow you to create fitness groups with other users. These group workouts can help keep you accountable and help you reach your goals.
While wearables are a boon to health enthusiasts, they also raise concerns about security. Although most fitness apps offer privacy features, they aren’t enough to deter a determined attacker. In fact, many wearables are designed to be public. For instance, the Fitbit interface has a public friend list.
One of the newest fads, the wearable, is a multifunctional piece of hardware that combines fitness tracking, social networking, and the ability to make geospatial maps of your activity. Wearables can help you track your progress, motivate you, and show you your achievements in the process. It’s a good idea to follow your wearable’s instructions carefully to ensure that you can use it properly.
The best fitness tracker is one that has an accurate tracking mechanism, an easy to understand interface, and a user-friendly app. It’s also wise to check your privacy settings, particularly if you are sharing information publicly.
Privacy concerns with fitness and health-tracking apps
A lot of health and fitness apps are in need of an overhaul of their privacy policies. They can be vulnerable to data breaches and expose users’ information.
Many of these apps have a social component. It is possible to share your data with friends, family, and even strangers.
Some of the biggest companies like Facebook and Google are not good at protecting your privacy. This is why the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) imposes specific requirements on data processors.
The GDPR also requires subject consent. If an app has no consent mechanism, it can transmit sensitive personal information without permission. These apps can also request access to your phone’s location, your photos, and other data.
Health and fitness apps are expected to provide you with motivation and aspirations for getting fit. However, this can be an unrealistic expectation. Users must understand that data can be disclosed and stored unencrypted, and that their fitness tracker data can be sold to third parties.